Veggie Tales...

 2019 hydroponic garden

This project was prompted by a previous attempt to grow vegetables  in NJ which resulted in a $300.00 tomato after the water bill! 

After researching online I decided on a vertical structure to save space. Here is the story in words and pictures.

  • The materials I already had:  4 x4 posts, tub with lid, a small pond pump, cinder blocks, tools and pipe hanger strips.
  • I had to purchase sewer pipe 4" diameter,  elbows and end caps, 2.5 inch pots, 10 ' of tubing 1 inch diameter (that would fit on pump.)
  • The pipes were cut to the required width, a 3" hole drill bit was used to make the holes for the pots. being careful to keep them on a straight line.
  • The 4x4 posts became the frame to hang the pipes on. Since this was to be a temporary set up, I used cinder blocks to hold them upright.
  • I fitted each sewer pipe with the 90 degree elbows and connected each together with a another 5" length of 4"pipe.
  • Each tube was hung on the posts. This is definitely a 2 man job.  Assembly was the hardest part. The top and bottom tube were fitted with end caps instead of elbows.
  • The tub (of water)was placed under the bottom pipe, between the cinder blocks, and the pump inside the tub.
  • Vinyl tubing was inserted on the pump and up to the end cap of the top plant pipe. The bottom one had tubing attached to return into the water tub,   I drilled 1" holes into the lid of the tub to allow refilling of water. Rain was collected.

 End notes:  Winter 2019.   I was generally happy with this project, but I have a few changes to make next spring. 

  • The plants need some protection from the hot TN sun! Especially when a summer storm yields to bright sunny weather. Add a "sun screen" roof to prevent burning plants.
  • Redesign the location to allow for easier access to harvest.
  • Build framework to give plants with heavy fruit or vegetables upright support.
  • Note some of the tubes were on too much of an angle. Water just flowed down hill too fast.  Almost horizontal tubes generated better growth.

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