check out some of our favorites...

As the gardens multiply, so do the accents.

Life is good outdoors!

I love watching the birds, it is especially delightful to see humming birds.

A hydroponic experiment grows

 Looking for Inspiration.

It is always nice to get inspiration from elsewhere.  Visiting parks, friends and garden shops will provide information and spark "Id like that" moments.  There are plenty of magazines and books to guide you as well.  One of the best parts about garden design is that like the plants, it grows and changes. Nothing is written in stone.  If you don't like something, change it, move it, plant something new next to it.  Some times little changes make big impact.

Think about what you like, the space you have and what your goal is for it.  Do you want a sitting area?  A place to relax? Is it a focal point of the yard? Will it be seen from inside? Are you considering hardscapes?  Do you want a water feature?  How much maintenance are you prepared to invest in it?  Once you know the purpose of the space, it will help you decide how to design it.

Help  From a Garden designer

If you need help, get it!  There may be a master gardener organization in your area or state. Local Garden Centers may have a designer that can help answer questions and lead you in the right direction.    Or if you are less hands on and like to delegate, you can hire someone to design and plant that special garden(s) to meet your needs! 

Copyright All For the Garden 2022

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