The studio

I'll let you in on a secret. When we moved from NJ to TN, I bought our new home with out ever seeing it. I trusted my cousin, the "house hunter". Risky, but it worked for us.  We downsized quite a bit, from a 2700 sq ft bi-level to a 1270 sq ft ranch. No basement, no garage, no attic to speak of.  (The TN house has a hip roof). I got rid of 1/3 of our possessions but still we had too much stuff! Artist supplies, craft supplies, mementos. Treasures that some might call "another man's garbage." The solution?

  • store stuff
  • get rid of stuff
  • build a garage
  • build a studio ✔︎

Our new home had a substantial yard.  I moved in a 12 x 32 ft shed to convert to a studio. One of my goals is to be a full time artist and work for myself. So this solution was perfect.  (The next phase will be me letting go of the strong emotional attachments I seem to make with things.  This may take me a while, but I really need to stop hoarding things I will never need and let them go! But that's a whole other story. )

I am told my entire neighborhood gathered around to watch the shed being installed on the property.  The driver did an amazing job getting it through the 13 foot gate!  Over time we installed flooring, sheet rock, electricity, LED lighting, a ceiling fan, heating and cooling, cabinets...  It has a lovely built in porch at the entrance.  The back end features a barn door, that opens onto another porch that we built ourselves. Out the two windows you have a wonderful view of the pond.

We did add a front stoop or "patio" and a back porch. Both of these were made out of pressure treated lumber. 

The second year, after the wood dried out some. (and shrank!) We sealed it with Flex Seal.  This stuff is pretty amazing. It smells horrible; so use it outside. Rainwater just beads off of it and it preserved the color of the wood.  We choose it because we were hoping it would seal and water proof the cracks in the wood.  A little expensive for the amount we needed.  It remains to be seen how long it lasts before we need to re-seal it.

Copyright All For The Garden 2022

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