Unexpected guests

My yard is in the middle of a rural neighbor hood, within the "city limits". Although I do feed the birds, and adore watching humming birds, songbirds and the antics of the squirrels;  there have been many unexpected visitors.  The baby fawn in the picture above must have wandered into my yard through an open gate with its mother. She could easily jump my 4 foot fence but this little guy could not.  I believe she brought him here because of the pond being a water source.  It was the height of an unusually hot summer and water was scarce.  He was in the yard for at least a month. She returned to him several times and I left the gate open so they could both leave together.  For some reason he stayed quite a long time.  Hidden in various places, I could not see him most of the time.  I even called Fish and Game Services, as it is illegal to keep a wild deer as a pet.  We neither fed him or enclosed him, so I was told we were fine. They offered to chase him out of the yard, but I said let no, his mother will come back for him and not know where he was. The officer agreed and said, just to keep the gate open.  

We've had wild turkeys, deer, hawks, great blue herons, ground hogs, chipmunks, rabbits, and raccoons visit us once in a while. Below are those we captured in pictures:


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