2020 year of CHANGE

Corona virus hit hard in 2020. Worldwide changes sweep the globe. As we adjust to being home, losing income, changing our behaviors and our way of life, many have lost love ones and are touched in some tragic way to this pandemic. Complicate this with the protests of racist wrongful death, the inequality of black and brown Americans, and protests of lockdowns in many states- our Nation is in turmoil.

  By mid year it has become a very scary time. Between folks trying to survive and the contradictory information from leadership, the news paints a very alarming picture.  It is no wonder that many are turning off their televisions and keeping to themselves in an effort to calm themselves in a more peaceful environment.

Changes have come to my life as well. Which means changes to the gardens.  Out of work due to covid-19 since March `14th, I have set my sites on improving my corner of the world. What used to be the patio will become my bedroom, with plenty of windows to watch the birds and view the gardens.

 For an older person with medical complications, this section of the house remains one level, no stairs; and separates me from the rest of the family.  My son and his family have their own privacy while "grandma" lives just a few steps away.

In the construction stage now I can't wait for my dream  home to come to fruition!

Alone does not mean lonely

I was lucky to see my sister before all the shutdowns began.  We shared a lovely vacation together in Florida early in the year.  We visited gardens there of course! Who knew that in a very short time we would find ourselves in a very different circumstance. Since she lives in NJ, a state just now beginning to reopen, and I live in TN, a state with much more relaxed precautions, there is not much chance of visiting in person. We do text and chat and share our gardens online.  What a wonderful way to share each other's lives and passions. Here are some of her NJ garden pics:

 We have very different styles, hers is more manicured and carefree(as in less work), mine is a little bit untamed catering to wildlife, but both of us are passionate about our gardens and love spending time there.  Sharing pictures of whatever you love is a wonderful way of keeping close.


Copyright All for a Garden 2020