my garden.

Welcome to my garden.  A tranquil place where I love to spend my time.  Never ever the same, each season, every year it changes.  Showing me little surprises and greeting unexpected guests. 

my journey.

I have always enjoyed gardening. Blame my mother, she had my siblings and I pulling weeds at a very early age.  Or maybe my Grandmother (on my mothers side of course).  She and Grandad ran a green house. But that was before my time, so, we'll go with mom.  Although I'd love to regale you with childhood memories, likely it would bore you to tears. So fast forward to my first home in Howell, NJ. and the first garden I could call my own.  Actually, lets focus on now, we can visit Howell later. 

Welcome to Hendersonville, Tennessee, where my gardens grow.

When my Son and I moved here to Tennessee, the yard was pretty much a blank canvas. It had some trees that needed to be removed due to disease and the potential for falling on the house.  After the trees were gone, I of course planted replacements. I chose, smaller trees like Dogwood, Japanese Maple, American Redbud.  Also fruit trees: peach, cherry and pear.  We added Crepe Myrtle trees and Lime Light Hydrangea.  Each year the front yard changed a little bit. 

We love sharing our gardening journey with you. "Like any good plant, we bend".  A garden, as with all things worth the wait, takes time to cultivate and grow. Check back to see what's sprung up.  

Thanks,   Corinne & Devon

It all started with a Pond.

Using the right tool for the job makes things so much easier!  Gloves, and such are a must.  And if you have little helpers, make sure they wear gloves too. It will help protect against ring worm and other gardening hazards!

Copyright All forthe Garden 2022

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